As a large port city and an air hub, shipping household goods to Guangzhou is easy, but expats should still weigh up the pros and cons of importing personal items.

Much of the popular expat accommodation in Guangzhou comes already furnished, and it is often more expensive to ship furniture from overseas than to buy completely new pieces or live in furnished accommodation in Guangzhou. The city is the site of a lot of manufacturing, and expats can sometimes find great deals on electronics so they should choose carefully when considering what possessions need to be shipped to Guangzhou.

Shipping goods to Guangzhou

We advise getting several quotes from several moving and relocation companies as costs and options for services may vary significantly. Some service providers can completely pack up a house in one country and unload the contents in another, while others offer assistance with only part of the moving process.

Air freight is more expensive than sea freight, so it is recommended for shipping smaller items. Larger, less essential items should be sent via sea.

It's important to budget for all the moving expenses, including import taxes and insurance costs. These can add up quickly and make the initial cost of moving to Guangzhou high.

Shipping pets to Guangzhou

As with all shipping and removals in China, bringing pets into Guangzhou requires extensive documentation, including health and rabies vaccination certificates of cats and dogs. Once in the city, expats who want to bring their dog into Guangzhou should also contact the local police department near their place of residence for information on registering their pet.

We highly recommend enlisting the services of a relocation company that specialises in pet relocations.

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