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Changing visa from H-1(working holiday) to student or working visa

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Submitted by imanict123 on
Destination: South Korea


I am going to South Korea on an H-1 visa for 18 months in September. In the event that I decide that I want to study at a Korean University, or that I'm offered a job opportunity within this period of time, is it possible to change my H-1 visa to a student or working visa? Even if I have to come back to America for a visa run, that's fine; I just want to know if it's possible to get a switch. While I'm excited to go to Korea on a Working Holiday, 18 months is a long time, so I want to be open to other opportunities that may arise during my stay. 

Criteria and salary for fitness trainer in Budapest?

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Submitted by NKLuwang on
Destination: Budapest

It is a query seeking for jobs regarding IFBB (International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness) certified personal fitness trainer in any of the reputed Gyms in Budapest as an non-European. What exactly are the criteria, salary structure and fundamental requirements etc... Thanks. 

Working in the creative industry in Oslo

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Submitted by nannapaske on
Destination: Oslo


I'm planning to move to Oslo next year, but I'm having a little trouble estimating what I would get paid as an Art Director at an advertising agency? I'm finding it hard to look at jobs as it seems they don't really use that title there. 

Could anyone tell me a little about the creative industry in Oslo, including freelancing? Also, is there a specific recruiter to use for the creative industry? 

Hope you can help!

How much annual salary am I eligible for?

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Submitted by sreejithks2006 on
Destination: Oman

last One and a half years(18 months I have been working with a company and they going to cancel my visa because of no new project. 1st-year annual leave salary is not yet paid. now completed 18 months. last 30th Jun I finished my work. Now how much annual salary is I am eligible for?

for example if 300 OMR is my basics salary

Seeking info regarding London schools, mid-year admission and family friendly neighborhood!

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Submitted by palvash on
Destination: London

Hi everyone

My family is taking a sabbatical to London starting Jan. 2020 - May/June 2020. My husband will be working close to London Business School. My 9 year old daughter will be in third grade when we arrive.

I am looking for the following information:

-family friendly neighborhoods (names please?) with good Govt. schools (names please?) - ideally within 30 min from LBS but open to maximum of 45 min commute.

-Are 6 months rental easy to find? Approximate cost of rental (2 bedroom)

Work visas and FBI

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Submitted by drmeyes on
Destination: Chile

I was surprised that records I thought were expunged from decades ago, were on my fbi file, and required by host country. 3 of 4 were dismissed long ago, but I do have a conviction from when I was 18. Will I have difficulty getting a work visa? 

Can I use my Work Visa to travel Europe?

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Submitted by rafsnel on
Destination: Gibraltar

Hi there, 

Query related to work visa for non eu national (Indian passport holder)

After obtaining work permit can I visit to Spain or uk or do we need a separate visa for the same if yes what are the visa options.


can a non eu national won’t be able to access countries like Spain or uk with Gibraltar  work permit or resident card.


thank you 

Taking pet to Spain and then returning to USA

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Submitted by Kimedmaicy on
Destination: Spain

We are going to Europe for 3 months and taking our 5lb dog with us.  We are flying round trip to Barcelona.

  I see the requirements going over with a certificate dated no more than 10 days prior to travel, having a microchip, current vaccinations and appropriate owner and dog descriptions.  What about on returning to US?

thank you

Tax on property income whilst in Canada

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Submitted by stibbles on
Destination: Canada



I have two investment properties in the United Kingdom and work now takes me to Canada for at least three years.  I presume I will pretty soon be classed as a Canadian resident for tax purposes.


Can anyone tell me how the income from these paid in rent will be treated?  What rates of tax etc?


Also, what if I sold the properties?  Would the equity I have in these properties be taxed as income?


Are there any British Primary schools in Rome?

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Submitted by ritas on
Destination: Rome

Dear British expats in Rome!

Can anyone recommend a good primary school please? It would be for our daughter, aged 9 (currently in P4 in Edinburgh).

Looking for a school where Italian is taught as a 2nd language and ideally good % of Italian children, so she can pick up the language.

Any suggestions and comments (negative or positive) welcome!


Best areas for family seeking an authentic experience of life in Taiwan?

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Submitted by laboheme on
Destination: Taipei

Hello, we are planning on going to Taiwan for several months with our english speaking kids 5-15 and want them to participate in learning mandarin and other kid activities e.g. hip hop. We would like a location that has nature. Where do you recommend in Taipei or is there another city eg. Taichung that you would recommend? 



Can expat children attend elementary school in Montreal without prior knowledge of English or French?

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Submitted by MagnusTag on
Destination: Montreal


we are moving to Montreal on a temporary work visa with my son that is about to start 2nd grade. We will live downtown Montreal and are looking for an English school (private or public). He does not know English or French today.

1. Any recommendations on schools?

2. Is there any support for Non-English natives to learn English?



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