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English schools in Lagos, Nigeria?

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Submitted by tompitman on
Destination: Nigeria
Hello, my wife has been offered a job in Lagos, Nigeria and is trying to encourage me to go with him, plus our two children! I am not sure if I am mad to even be considering moving to Nigeria! Am I? One of my many concerns is finding an international English school for my children - Age six and seven. I think the company will pay the school fees, but I also want to make sure education is good enough and they may enjoy it...

Safety concerns about Bahrain

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Submitted by tompitman on
Destination: Bahrain

I have a job opportunity in Bahrain but as you can imagine I am a bit concerned due to the recent reports of violence there. If there is anyone reading this post from Bahrain, could you reply with advice on safety in Bahrain - how bad is the situation - has it been exaggerated by the press? Best, Tom

International schools in Cape Town with an English Curriculum

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Submitted by tompitman on
Destination: Cape Town
We are moving to Cape Town in March and would like advise on the best international schools in Cape Town. We want to keep the children in the English system so want to keep them on the UK curriculum if possible. I have been told Bishops is a good school but hard to get in, which other schools are recommended? Looking forward to your help...

Women, work and driving in Saudi Arabia

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Submitted by RW-admin on
Destination: Jeddah

Hi. I worked in Saudi Arabia in 1998-1999. Back then I remember that women were not allowed to work (publicly), nor drive etc.


Besides the more accepted nursing & teaching jobs, there were a few "back office" marketing jobs, browsing convenience stores, working from home type jobs.

Does anyone know if things have become more relaxed lately?

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