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Schools in Belgium: local vs. international

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Destination: Belgium
My husband has signed a three-year contract with a firm in Brussels, and with such a good chunk to time in the country, we're trying to decide if it would be better to look at local schools for our children in Belgium, or to stick to international schools. Could any expats who've been through a similar decision-making process share some advice...

Schools in Sao Paulo, Brazil?

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Destination: Brazil
Contemplating moving to Brazil under the auspices of an intra-company transfer and wondering about the standard of international schools in Sao Paulo? My kids are elementary (primary) and middle school age. Can anyone recommend some good ones. Extra-curriculars are not a huge priority, we're more focused on academics. Thanks.

What are the requirements to qualify for a retirement visa to Brazil?

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Destination: Brazil
Can anyone list what I will need to get a retirement visa in Brazil. I'm a US citizen and would  be moving with my husband, also retired. Is there a certain amount of money we need to bring into the country each year/month? What docs are required, etc..

Is it really that cold in Toronto?

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Destination: Canada

When I think of Canada, I think of frostbite...though I'm hoping my tendency toward exaggeration in indeed a tendency when it comes to weather in Toronto. Moving there to pursue a Master's and allergic to cold. Can someone please offer me a glimmer of hope or at least give me fair warning when it comes to what clothes to pack.

Importing items to Thailand?

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Destination: Thailand
I'm moving to Thailand and would like to take many belongings with me as my CD/DVD/book collection. I'm married to a Thai citizen who lives in Thailand. I have a Non-Immigrant Visa O (marriage visa) that is valid for three months, and which must be renewed in September for 12 months. I wonder if this is still correct after they changed the laws: "Upon entry into Thailand, expats have six months to import their household items from their home country.

Good place to live for family in HK?

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Destination: Hong Kong

I'm moving with my young family to HK. The kids will be going to the American International School in Mong Kok. I will be working in the CBD. Given this, where is a good place to live? I'm moving from Sydney and love the beaches (Repulse Bay is ok but not good for the school commute). I also love the buzz of the city but know that high rise apartment living wouldn't be great for the kids. I really also don't want to live in a claustrophobic expat gated community. Any suggestions? thanks a lot

Public schools in Santiago?

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Destination: Chile

What are the public schools like in Santiago? I really want my eight-year-old to pick up as much Spanish as possible over the course of our two-year stint in Santiago, but not a the expense of other aspects of his education? Are there reasonably priced international schools that offer bilingual curriculums?

Finding a job in Beijing?

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Destination: Beijing
I formerly worked in the retail sector of Guangzhou for a year, but then quit my job because I thought I was moving back to Europe. Unfortunately I didn't count on falling love with a fellow expat I'd met in China who now has moved to Beijing. Long story short, I need to find a job in Beijing. Can anyone recommend some good resources?

Speaking mandarin in Beijing?

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Destination: China
I'm thinking about moving to Beijing to teach English - a bit ironic - considering I don't know the first thing about mandarin. Just wondering how obstructive the language barrier is to living life in Beijing. i've heard there's quite a large expat community, but do most people I'll interact with on a day to day basis only speak Mandarin?

Do I need a car in Gaungzhou, China?

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Destination: China
In the process of the last round of interviews for a position managing retail in Guangzhou and trying to anticipate my expenses there if i do get offered the job. The one question that I can't seem to get a handle on is whether or not I'll need a car in Guangzhou? Can anyone advise?

Where to get high speed internet in Cyprus?

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Destination: Cyprus


Thinking about moving to Cyprus, and as much as I'm ready to commit to some remote, rural no man's land - I also am kind of (okay, more like seriously) attached (okay, more like addicted) to the web. I need a high speed Internet conenction and I'm wondering in what parts of the country such a connection is available.

How can I make friends in Dubai?

Expert Info

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Destination: Dubai

Considering that I'm leaving the network of friends I've had since I've been in diapers, I'm a little concerned about making friends in Dubai. I take it that I can't use the same tactics I initially used to make the friends I've cemented in Greensboro, NC - namely, hair-pulling and wet-willying. Hoping someone can advise on some good opporunities to meet others and what activities I shoudl pursue. Thanks a ton!

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