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Safe to buy property in Spain amidst recession?

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Destination: Spain
My wife and I, like all good Britons, have had our sights set on retirement in Spain for some time now. Typical of the cliche, we were going to sell our home here in England and move to a sunny spot on the Andalucian coast. But now, I've been reading all these horror stories about buying property in Spain and I'm not sure what to believe. Can anyone advise whether this is a good idea, and what danger to beware of.

Pets, places to live, gap or educational opportunties for high school graduate

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Having been an expat before, I know that the expats out there know all the ins and outs of expat life better than any corporate relocation company. I would be most appreciative of insights on the following: 1. The best way to get family pets to Shanghai. 2. Educational opportunities for high school graduates looking at gap years or English language university programs in Shanghai 3. Best places to live in Pudong that can accommodate pets and high school kids. Thank you in advance!

Seeking both temporary and permanent housing for 4 employees in or near Dammam

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Destination: Saudi Arabia
I am getting ready to send several (as many as four) employees to Dharan, Saudi Arabia. I am seeking housing for them near there, possibly Dammam or Khobar, etc. I need both temporary and permanent housing for them. They will be there for several years. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I also need to understand the associated costs. Thanks!

Labour &Life Insurance according to UAE Employment Contract

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Destination: Dubai
Dear Sir,Madam, Unfortunatelly my husband lost his life in the car accident last year.He was working in one of Europian Co. but under UAE Employment contract.According to UAE Employment contract was he entitled with Labour and Life Insurance or not?What kind of benefits is the family of deceased entitled etc.?I would kindly request all information to be submitted to me accordingly. Thank you for your kind information&advices. Sincerely, M.

Family Visit Visa Saudi Arabia

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Destination: Saudi Arabia
Hi to all. I am trying to figure out the family visit visa process and I still have one essential doubt, I hope someone will be able to help! I know the sponsor is the expat resident, however I need to know if their sponsor (their employer) needs to get involved and also sign/stamp any documents... The company is not at all enthusiastic or helpful about spouses visiting and I'd really like to do this without having to count on them. Also if anyone has recently gone through the process and could outline the steps, I'd be most grateful. Many thanks in advance

Where can I buy Alcohol in Qatar?

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Submitted by tompitman on
Destination: Qatar
Hello, we are off to Qatar! Quite exciting, quite nerve-wracking. I will have lots of questions, and here is the first: where can we buy alchohol in Qatar? I assume can can drink alcohol at home, but perhaps not in restaurants - what is the law, and what is acceptable in practice? I can't imagine two years in the despert without a drink! Also, our stuff is on the way out to Doha - and I packed a couple of crates of wine in amongst our other stuff, is this going to be ok, or will I get arrested on arrival!? Seriously, I am now a little worried about this. Please help.

Having a baby in Russia

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Destination: Russia
I'm desperately trying to decide if I shoud have my baby in Russia (Moscow), or if I should go back to the UK to give birth without my husband. From what I've read, the healthcare system in Russia seems to be stuck in a time past, and the doctors will often refuse proper service without proper bribes? Is there anywhere reliable to have a baby in Moscow, and can any expats living in Russia give some advice about doctors, procedures, insurance, etc.

Is Russia safe?

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Destination: Russia
Is Russia a safe place to live, Central Moscow in particular? My husband has been offered a job, and though his company assures us we have nothing to worry about, I'm still a little doubtful. Can anyone currently living in Russia share their experiences and impressions regarding safety?

How to identity a Russian romance scam?

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Destination: Russia
I have been exchanging letters and beautiful pictures with a stunning Russian girl from a small town just outside of St. Petersburg. Though her English is not the best, she speaks from her heart and communicates in a truly meaningful way. This has been going on for about four months, and though I've read up on all the Russian romance scams and Russian dating scams on the Internet, I find it hard to believe that someone I speak to nearly everyday could by a predator. Before I get too much more involved I'm wondering if there's any surefire way to tell if this is a scam or not?

Moving to, living in and starting a business in Amsterdam?

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Destination: Amsterdam
To whom this may concern, I am a Canadian citizen (born and raised) and I am very interested in moving to Amsterdam to live and to potentially start a new business there. I have travelled to Amsterdam on many occasions and would definitely like to consider moving there permanently. I would really like to know how I would go about doing the following things: 1 - What is involved in moving to Amsterdam? Must I become a citizen? Do I need a certain type of VISA? 2 - Living in Amsterdam: What should I expect for the cost of living?

Need info on affordable schools in Mumbai for expats

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Destination: India
I am trying to find a school in Mumbai suitable for two high school aged girls that's also reasonably priced. We are American, but the American school is way too expensive. Does anyone have other recommendations, we are more than happy to consider an International Baccalaureate curriculum as our girls previously attended a magnet school in the States. Thanks...

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