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Are there any expats struggling with work and life in Mexico because of COVID-19?

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Destination: Mexico

Hi, I'm reaching out on this forum because I want to know how other expats are coping with living in Mexico in the face of the coronavirus health crisis. Mexico is lifting some restrictions on the quarantine. Friends are worrying about their businesses and their health. Do any expats in Mexico have any advice about how to cope with COVID-19 and the lockdown?

How can I find a maid in Bangalore, India?

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Submitted by Aakar Jain on
Destination: Bengaluru


I am looking to hire a Filipino Maid. Its a family of four and we are located in Bangalore; Please let me know if it is possible to get Filipino Maids in India? 

If yes, please suggest some good agencies. Please reach me if any leads on +91 9342442617



Can I get advice on buying a home and driving licenses in the US as an expat?

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Destination: Americas

Hi, I am engaged to an American woman I met online. I have visited her in the US over the last few years and now we are planning to get married and buy a house together in the US.

We will be using money from the sale of my UK home to buy outright in her area. I intend to travel over on a fiance visa and marry there before settling permanently.

What are your top tips and recommendations on travelling to South America?

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Destination: Argentina

Hi, when travel is possible again (whenever that maybe because of coronavirus), I’d love to plan a trip to South America. I have travelled solo across Europe before but for a short period of time and I’m not sure how it will compare to South America. I would really love to go to Argentina, Chile and Brazil, but I have a lot to think about. I’d like to stay there for at least a year, travelling and working, and improving my language skills. Does anyone have any tips or any suggestions of companies I can go to for advice and help on the move?

Thanks in advance!

How family-friendly is living in Santiago, Chile?

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Destination: Santiago

Hello all,

How easy is it to live in and explore Santiago with two young ones? Can anyone give me advice on public transport in Santiago and the easiest ways to get around? We’ve got lots to research still to do in terms of schools, but does anyone have any suggestions? We’ve looked at some international schools and found they are way too expensive for us and the application process seems intense. I’m considering homeschooling my kids but I’m also looking for daycares. 

Thanks in advance!

Is USD 2400 a month enough to live on in France?

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Submitted by Barbara Duncan on
Destination: France

My sister (67 years old) and I (62 years old) are planning to move to France, are we crazy? We will have an income of about USD 2400.00 a month. We want to buy a house with the money from the sale of my house, so we won't have to pay rent. Can we make it on that amount after the exchange?

How can I find work in Vancouver as an American Videographer?

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Destination: Vancouver


I'm trying to find work in Vancouver as an American videographer. I see lots of jobs that I'm qualified for but nothing lists that they sponsor visas. I suppose I'd need to talk with the employer and if they want to hire me, ask if they could do it? 

I'm applying from the US now but would it be better if I went there and applied on a tourist visa?

Also, two more options I thought about were starting a business and coming on a business visa, as I do have an LLC in the US, or maybe applying through a job agency? 

Can I get advice on visas, working and living in Italy for young expats?

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Submitted by KatalinaM on
Destination: ​Milan


My name is Katalina and I am currently an undergraduate student here in the United States (California) thinking about moving abroad to work and live once I finish my studies. 

I studied abroad in Milan and fell in love with the city, people, culture-everything! The experience opened my eyes and unleashed a curiosity to take a leap of faith in potentially moving abroad to Italy.  

I wanted to reach out to the community because I have some questions regarding the whole idea:

Are condos a good investment in Canada in 2020?

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Submitted by briannsparks on
Destination: Canada

In terms of buying property in Canada, you can invest in condos. This means that if you buy the investment property in the right place in 2020, you will find more people renting than buying the unit and, as mentioned, condos are popular in large, urban settings. So investing in a condo will give you a better chance of finding a tenant. I think buying a good condo will help you a lot. You can contact at this address I contacted them when I bought condos.

Can expats with temporary residence access public healthcare in Canada?

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Destination: Canada

Hi, does anyone know if expats with temporary residence can get access to public healthcare in Canada? I've read conflicting things about foreigners being able to access public healthcare and others say only if you have permanent residence. And if you have to find private options, does anyone have recommendations for hospitals and insurance?

Thanks in advance!

Can I get advice for temporary living in Ireland?

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Destination: Ireland


My husband an I are retiring soon and would like to fulfill a dream of living in Ireland. However, we do not want to stay forever. Our plan is to stay for one year. We can only find info for a permanent move. Any advice? Our goal is May-June of 2021 to May-June 2022. 

Thanks so much!

Marge Potts


What type of visa do I need fro France: residence, work, or student visa?

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Destination: Paris


My name is Grace and I am a 16 year old high school graduate. I would like to go into the culinary industry and have always loved France and French cuisine. I have applied to and hope to get a job in France (in a commis or kitchen porter position) but I also plan on eventually attending a culinary school once I can afford it. I have extensively looked but cannot seem to find a straight answer as to what type of visa or permit I would need. Can anyone advise me as to what type of visa or permit I would need? 

Thanks in advance.

How easy is it to deal with money and banking in Chile?

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Destination: Chile

I’d like to take a gap year travelling Chile and other countries in South America. Still in the early phases of planning, especially now that no international travel is happening because of coronavirus, but there are some practical things I’m considering. What is the currency like in Chile – is it fairly easy to get exchange money when I’m there and have left the airport? Should I open a bank account whilst I’m travelling around?

Does anyone have any personal experience of travelling in Chile and have some advice for me?

Is Baltimore a safe place to raise a family?

Submitted by on
Destination: Baltimore, MD


Does anyone have any experience living in Baltimore. We are a young family from Miami. My husband has a great job offer in Washington but we've realised that we can't really maintain our lifestyle in the capital. One of his colleagues suggested living in Baltimore, as an option as that is where he lives and manages to commute to DC every day. He says its a little inconvenient but worth the saving and lifestyle benefits.

What vaccinations should I get before going to Ghana?

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Destination: Ghana

Good morning,

Does anyone know what vaccinations are actually required when travelling to Ghana and which are more suggestions? I know that travelling right now is not possible with coronavirus, and perhaps there will be coronavirus vaccines soon too, but I’ve heard yellow fever vaccines are important. And what about taking anti-malarial pills?

I hope that everyone is well and safe during this time.

Can I get info on currency exchange and banking in Ghana?

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Destination: Ghana

Hey all,

When I move, how can I convert money into cedi? How easy or important is it to open a bank account? I've heard that credit card scams are a thing and also that opening a bank account involves lots of admin and documents. Does anyone have personal experience with banking in Ghana?


What is the cost of university and living in Finland?

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Destination: Finland

Hi, does anyone have info on the cost of universities and colleges in Finland? I have friends of friends who live there and I understand that university is free. But is university only free for courses in Finnish? How much Finnish would I need to know to study and live there? And what is the general cost of living in Finland?

Thanks in advance

Moving to Berlin soon, but my 3 children (ages 6, 10, and 13) don't speak neither English nor German yet. What school would be appropriate for them?

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Submitted by kissmon on
Destination: Berlin

Hello everyone.


We are moving to Berlin this summer and I am looking for a good public or not-that-expensive school for my 3 children. 

What would you recommend if they only speak a little bit of English and no German? And could you tell us about the integration process in Germany? Is it true that they would need to take one year of preparatory classes? Or can they be enrolled in a regular class (according to their age) and pick up the language as they go?


Thank you,


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