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Housing in Accra, Ghana?

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Destination: Ghana

Wondering what the housing situation is in Accra? Do most expats live in houses or apartments, and in which areas? What special consideration should we make (ie. do we need to install an alarm system, a generator, etc...) Also, ballpark, what kind of housing allowance should we ask for from our company?

Indians moving to Hong Kong seeking advice

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Destination: Hong Kong

Hi, I am kavitha from India. We're planning to move to Hong kong soon so i need some information about the place, please help me.

1. where do lot of indians stay in HK?
2.How is rent for houses there and which area will be suitable for indians?
3.I have a daughter who is now 5 years old and I want to put her in a CIPP cambridge curriculum,  where r these schools located? What is the fees structure?

Thank u in advance Kavitha

What's the healthcare insurance in Hochiminh city (Vietnam) like?

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Destination: Ho Chi Minh City
I've read a lot about this topic, but still wonder: should I buy a healthcare package? How about the coverage and the period for the package? I'm considering Liberty Vietnam:, but I still want to consider at least 2 more agencies for the most suitable solution. Anyone can help? Many thanks,

How can I set up internet in Budapest?

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Destination: Budapest

I just arrived in Budapest and found that my flat has no Internet. I'm in a long-distance relationship so I need this service to be able to communicate with my boyfriend. What service providers are there in Budapest and do they provide Dongles (the mobile broadband sticks)? Also is the Internet speed that comes with these sticks fast enough to get a good connection with Skype?

Is Budapest safe?

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Destination: Budapest
Moving to Budapest to teach English in the near future and just wanted to hear expat opinions about whether or not I need to be concerned about security in the capital? Is Budapest safe, are there any points of good practice I should adopt?

Nigerian Job Offer - Legitimate?

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Destination: Nigeria
hi,i'm an electrician from the Philippines. I received an e-mail from Total Gas and Oil Company that i passed their requirements and asked for my updated resume/cv, i would really appreciate it if someone could give me a heads up regarding the legitemasy of the offer and regarding document processing because the letter indicates that the company will provide the services of an immigration attorney,i'm a bit confused because my credentials are w/ me and also my passport. and also how can i be sure that the person who contacted me is the real thing.

Chances of getting a job in Dublin

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Destination: Dublin

I'm moving with my husband (who originally hails from the land of potato famine) to Ireland this July (he's bagged a job), and I'm wondering what my chances are of finding a job. I'm an American with 3 years experience at an online publishing company in the States and would be interested in pursuing something similar. Though, I can do print just as easily as I can do digital. Just heard horrible things about the state of the economy in Ireland. Any expats out there who can comment?

Moving a dog to France

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Submitted by tompitman on
Destination: France
We are moving to France later this year and would like to take our do with us. What is the proceedure for moving a dog to France, can we just take her on the Eurostar? Note that we may also want to take her back to England next year without having to do quarentine - I believe we can get a pet passport. Any advice?

Getting a credit card in Israel

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Destination: Israel
As an expat is it possible to be approved for a credit card in Israel? Up until this point I've been using my US credit card and then paying off the debt with a US checking account; but as you can prob imagine, this proves rather difficult from abroad - especially when you're earning Israeli Shekel...

Concerned about cost of living in Tel Aviv

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Destination: Israel

I'm thinking of making Aaliyah, and settling in Tel Aviv for at least the next few chapters of my life. As a recently graduated university student I don't have access to a huge cashflow and I'm wondering what the cost of living in Tel Aviv will be. Is it possible to immigrate, find a flat and a job and start making a decent salary in three months time?

Expat Health Insurance

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