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Is it possible to get medical asylum in Israel?

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Submitted by starlightchasing on
Destination: Israel

Hi, I am an American.  If you don't already know, the healthcare system is very expensive and broken here.

I feel like Israel is very medically advanced, and I've heard that they understand some of the medical illnesses I have.

One of the worst illnesses I have is EMFS (Electromagnetic field sensitivity).  This means that my body hyper-responds to EMF fields, and it makes me sick.  (Cell phone towers, electrical power lines, wifi, microwaves, they all make me sick.  Very annoying, right?  That stuff is everywhere in America.)

What are the best areas for expats in Jerusalem?

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Submitted by starlightchasing on
Destination: Israel

Hello, I am an American who wishes to move to Jerusalem.


What neighborhoods are the best to live in for Expats?  I am not rich, so my budget is not very high.  However I work hard, and I do not want to live in a slum or rundown area either.  I want to live somewhere that is safe, and that has a decent quality of life.


Where to live?  Where to avoid?



Questions about working in Israel

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Submitted by starlightchasing on
Destination: Israel

Hi. I would like to move to Israel right away--I feel like I'm meant to live there. I love the culture.  However, I don't have any job offers, or local employers offering to sponsor my way there. It's just me, wanting to move. I have a few questions about how to start working in Israel.


1) Is it possible to move to Israel, and then find a job?  Or must I have a job offer first?

Questions about applying to College or University in Israel

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Submitted by starlightchasing on
Destination: Israel

I am an American, who wants to move to Israel.  I am considering applying to go to school there, and hopefully getting a student visa. I love school, and I was in very advanced classes in high school.  However, I was forced to leave school early and take my GED due to health problems as a teenager.  Those health problems are better now, and I want to go to a college or a university.

1) Any tips on how to get a student visa?

Is it possible to get mid term admission into international primary schools in Berlin?

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Submitted by Shruti_D on
Destination: Berlin


Me and my husband are planning to move to berlin in next 2 months with our six and a half year old daughter. Are there any possibilities to get mid term admission in International schools? And which is the better of all schools? 

Thanks in Advance

Going solo in Nairobi?

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Submitted by botsbex on
Destination: Nairobi

I have been offered a job in Westlands Nairobi and will be moving initially without my partner within the next month, so I have a few questions with regards to this:

1) With an accommodation budget of around 50k a month I'm gathering that I will only get a house-share for this? I don't want to live super central (e.g. be right on a main road etc.), but somewhere close to work in a relatively peaceful/green setting. 

2) What are my best options with regards to a gym around the Westlands area? I like to do classes as well as use the gym.

Best expat areas outside Toronto?

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Submitted by lap_665 on
Destination: Canada


We are considering a move to Ontario.  My husband has been offered a job and will be located in Thornhill.  We are looking at areas to rent but don't know where the best places are for young families.  We don't want to be near the city and would like somewhere suburban but affordable.  

My husband is happy with a max 55 minute commute so could move to areas like Brampton but we don't know anything about areas like this.

Does anyone have any suggestions?  Would be such a great help.  Thanks

Will I be able to afford the cost of living in Poland?

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Submitted by rishabh2908 on
Destination: Poland

Hello all ,

I got a job offer in Poland and they are offering me 84,000 zloty /year gross . Is this is a good amount to live and work in Poland ?.. I will be moving with my wife .. any information on this would be really helpful

Thanks in advance

Moving to Brussels with a 10 year old who doesnt know French/Dutch at all

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Submitted by hafsahahmed on
Destination: Brussels

I am a Pakistani, I am about to move Brussels in 2 months. I have a 10 years old daughter who is currently in 5th grade. She is proficient in English and currently she is studying in an English school. She doesn't know French/Dutch at all. Overall she is intelligent and quick learner. I have been looking into international schools websites but they are too expensive and I clearly cannot afford them.  So the only option I am left with is public schools. I have following queries:

Are US visa laws becoming more biased against same-sex partners?

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Submitted by taylor1 on
Destination: The USA
I read that the US is changing the law so that UN diplomats with same-sex partners won't be able to get family visas for their partners. Is this true? I'm not a diplomat so obviously this doesn't apply to me specifically but as a gay man living in the US with his partner, changes like this make me worry about our future here.

Negotiating an expat contract in Melbourne

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Submitted by germanborn on
Destination: Melbourne

My company has offered me a 3-year expat assignment in Melbourne (moving from New York City). The company is relatively small and I am their first expat. Therefore, there is no standard expat contract and me and the HR VP have to negotiate it from scratch. I have done a lot of research, but was hoping to get some advice on a number of things that could become sticking points:

Do I need to apply for a South African ID number?

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Submitted by Daria_Ras on
Destination: South Africa

I am about to move to SA with my husband and dog. We both have business visas. I am wondering about what identity document we can use to e.g. buy a car or rent a place. Is our passport with visa enough or do we need to apply for ID number in SA? 

I don't seem to find any information about this online. Thanks for any help.


What difficulties can we expect when moving to Sweden?

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Submitted by Sarem on
Destination: Sweden

Hello everyone! 

My husband has received a job offer from a Swedish company and was planning to move in there with me. They would be applying for his work visa, as we are in an Asian country.

His employer is recommending that he come alone at first and call me later after a period of 6 months. They are saying that it is time consuming to find good house arrangements, make all administrative work with banks etc.

I would like to know your opinions regarding this topic. Will there be any difficulties in moving in and setting up if both of us come together?

Recommendations needed regarding living and working as a woman in Saudi Arabia.

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Submitted by Seraphina on
Destination: Saudi Arabia

I'm seeking advice regarding the simplest way to get a job as an expat in Saudi Arabia. I have no education other than the equivalence of a high school diploma, and what I seek is advice regarding what the easiest and fastest way for me to become an expat in Saudi Arabia might be.

I'm capable of getting a bachelor, but seeing as how I'd like to move within the next two years, it might be difficult for me to complete a bachelor's degree in time. Also, I have no idea what kind of degree would be best for me to get regarding getting a job there.

Schools for 17 year olds in Toronto with British curriculum?

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Submitted by Waitinffortoronto on
Destination: Toronto

Hoping to move to Toronto next year from UK but oldest son will be 17, halfway through A-Levels.  Has anyone done this, have any advice?  He is very keen on modern music and is an excellent guitar player.  Would love a high school that catered to his interest in this but worried this might all be too disruptive... Cheers for any input.

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