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Can anyone offer advice on relocating to the Netherlands?

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Submitted by on
Destination: The Netherlands

Hello Everyone,

I am expecting a transfer from India to Netherlands for 2 years through my employer. I have few questions to clarify. Kindly help

1. What should be the average monthly take home after taxes and deductions for a decent life and some savings?

2.For example, if I am getting 4000 to 4500 EUR per month. What will be my take home after taxes and deductions?

3. What could be a the rent of a i bhk aparatment in and around Arnhem?

Will English-speaking expats in Budapest be able to find work in call centers?

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Submitted by didiscarpa on
Destination: Budapest

Hi - looks like I can relocate to Budapest, Hungary for a couple of years with my husband. I was wondering about getting a job there - maybe a call center or something else at a global firm where I could put my English skills to use. Any idea what the job market is like for call center work? Any idea what the pay would be and if I could get more as a native English speaker? Thanks

Am I entitled to use public healthcare in Australia?

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Submitted by ladydi on
Destination: Australia

Hi, I was born and raised in Australian though I currently reside in Canada.  I have dual citizenship, Australian and Canadian. I am planning to come home to Australia for 4 months in 2019.  My question is, will I be covered by Australian heath care system as a citizen during my stay or do I need to take out travel insurance?

Thank you for whatever information you can provide.


What is the age limit for secondary schools in Canada?

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Submitted by Tosin John on
Destination: Ottawa

I will be moving from Nigeria to Ottawa around January 2019. I intend coming with a dependant that will be 20 years old in July 2019. She will be in SS2 (Grade 11 equivalent) by then. I have read that cut-off age for secondary schools in Canada is 18 years meaning she will be above the bar then. How do we go about her finishing her secondary education and afterwards proceed to the University?

Looking forward to your swift response.

Thanjs and regards.

Do I qualify for tax exemption in Portugal?

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Submitted by JayMalone on
Destination: Portugal


I have started working just over half the time for my UK employer at home in Portugal. My employer did an assessment and determined that in these circumstances I would still pay UK PAYE (which is clear from the tax treaty between the two countries) and I am still paying national insurance in the UK. So, so far, no change.

I am intending to register as a non-habitual resident. My question is about the tax exemption:

"3.1 Income derived from employment (category A) is exempt from any taxation in Portugal if:

Can I reapply for a critical skills visa in South Africa?

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Submitted by sonam_more on
Destination: South Africa

Hi there,

My critical skill visa was rejected with a "Submitted Inconsistent information" remark, but no more specific reason.

What should I do now? Should I request to review the decision, or should I rather reapply for a new visa?

Please help.

Thanks in advance.

Sonam More

Are there any affordable international schools in Houston?

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Submitted by peggy on
Destination: Houston, TX

I am a French teacher. I intend to apply for a high school teaching position in Texas, as my current employer has an exchange partnership with schools in Houston.

I am trying to find a school that will meet the needs of my two children. They are in 7th grade and 10th grade (which are 5ème and 2nde in France).

I cannot afford a private school and I am not familiar with public education in the US. I want to find a school for my kids first and then find a job in the area. Here is my question:

Does anyone have advice for expats relocating to Sao Paulo?

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Submitted by Jose75alban on
Destination: Sao Paulo

Dear All

My current employer has offered me the opportunity to relocate to Sao Paulo. I would be moving with my wife and three children.

I would highly appreciate any advice on the following:

A good place to live. I would like to rent a house near to a school for the kids.

Did you have issues with your kids regarding language learning and adaptability? Do local Brazilians, especially kids, accept foreigners? Are teachers generally open and patient with expat children?

Are there any Portuguese International Schools in Munich?

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Submitted by Nilceli on
Destination: Munich


My family and I are planning a move from Brazil to Munich. I'm looking for information about International Schools in Munich for my Portuguese-speaking child. She is 12 years old and speaks no English. Are there any schools in the area that would be able to take her?

Thanks for your help!



Can you change employers without reapplying for a work permit in Spain?

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Submitted by saswat619 on
Destination: Barcelona


I looking for some specific information related to changing employers in Spain. I have been working in Spain with a valid residence permit for around 2 years, and this permit is specific to ICT transfer from my current employer in India.

However, I have recently been offered a new job here in Spain. I want to know whether there will be any issue if using my current work permit, or if I will have to apply for a new one.

Will I be free to practise my religion in Saudi Arabia?

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Submitted by tevenbly on
Destination: Jeddah

I am considering a job transfer to Jeddah. I'm a devout Catholic.  I understand that I'll be moving to  Muslim country and cannot openly practice my faith.  Is it possible to watch daily mass via YouTube or read my bible via internet or do they have these sites restricted?  How do ex pats practice their faith in hiding without coming foul of religious police? 

Do I need to apply in advance to get a visa for Argentina?

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Submitted by JackyCarr on
Destination: Argentina

Hello, I have really been wanting to move to Argentina to live with my boyfriend but I don't know what procedures to do to get a visa to be able to live there. Do I get the visa before going to Argentina or am I allowed to get the visa when I'm there? Please, I really am looking for help. Where, and how can I get a visa to go live with him? Please help, and thank you.

Do you need a work permit to ship your belongings to Vietnam?

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Submitted by ryba73 on
Destination: Ho Chi Minh City

I lived in Bangkok for a number of years where I had a professional job and where I met my Vietnamese wife.  I have moved to Vietnam and live in the house that my wife owns and now want to move my possessions from Thailand to Vietnam and into our house here.  I have contacted an international relocation company about this and their response was to tell me that I must have a work permit to be able to move any shipment into the country. 

What salary can an expat in the Philippines expect?

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Submitted by Shwez on
Destination: Philippines

With a family of 3 and only 1 person working and a kid going to school what is the best wage to be expected for an expat in Philippines?

Also if anyone of you can give the cost of living details, school fees, car expenses, accommodation, taxes, saving details that would help.

Comparison with Indian salary would help.

Will I have to pay import duties on gifts in Kenya?

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Submitted by Christophe Wolff on
Destination: Nairobi

My friend needs a laptop to continue her studies at University in Nairobi. Because she has been a steady "pen-pal", I wanted to send her a laptop from here in the USA to Nairobi. As it is a gift and not commerce, will she be charged import fees? 

Will it be easy for my family and I to adjust to life in Colombia if we only speak limited Spanish?

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Destination: Colombia
Hi. My wife and I are considering moving our family to Bogotá, Colombia. I took Spanish classes in high school, but my wife and kids don't speak the language at all. Will this make it harder for them to adapt to life there? Thanks.

What should my salary expectations be as an individual contributor for a bank in Dubai?

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Submitted by amarsafy on
Destination: Dubai
Hello Everyone, I'm expecting an offer in a bank in Dubai, it's an individual contributor job but ranked the same level as a manager position. I'm British/Egyptian working in Egypt and I wonder how much should I expect as a salary package please? Kind regards Aly

Question on Deportation from UAE - How to find Information on Ban from UAE?

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Submitted by Aseemhakeem123 on
Destination: Dubai
Hi Meagan, Hope you are well. My friend was deported last week (25 March 2018) from Dubai. He was working in a super market as a helper or trolley boy under for the last 11 years , recently he has started selling food which he prepares from his room at evening to earn some extra income. Unfortunately there was a CID caught him selling food and took him to emigration center jail in Aweer.

Can I homeschool my child in Kuala Lumpur?

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Submitted by Motherof2 on
Destination: Kuala Lumpur
Is there a Homeschooling network in Kuala Lumpur? My son has specific learning challenges that are not being met by the international school system but I haven't considered homeschooling before. We're considering a move to KL and would be based near to Kota damansara are there opportunities for kids to socialise outside school i.e. Homeschooling clubs, scouts, climbing or computer clubs. I'm afraid that he isn't sporty either so misses out on these type of opportunities. Thanks

Are there any international schools in Kuala Lumpur that offer additional learning support for students?

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Submitted by Motherof2 on
Destination: Kuala Lumpur
Are there international schools close to Kota damansara that have learning support over and above the normal ESL support? My son is currently in the British system but I'd consider other curriculums to have the right support. Thanks

Is it easy to make friends in Italy?

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Submitted by Euroguy on
Destination: Italy
I have been living in New Zealand for 16 years and since I am European I would like to live in Italy especially since I feel so socially isolated in New Zealand because its so difficult to make friends with Kiwis. Sad to say but I've given up in New Zealand. I have tried my utmost and I speak English like an Irishman so the language is not a problem but I can't make any Kiwi friends of the same sex - Kiwi mates. Its just making me sad. The reason I would like to live in ITaly is that I speak the language well.

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