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How is the internet situation in Mariánské Lázně the Czech republic?

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Submitted by MsPau on
Destination: Czech Republic
Hi, I am thinking about moving to Mariánské Lázně with my family. I am completely independent jobwise since I work online. This, of course, means that a reliable internet connection is crucial for my income, and it should also not be too slow (videochats, filesharing etc). Does anybody know if that is a problem in the area of Mariánské Lázně? I've looked at some apartments but in the description it usually only says "internt" (or not) without any further information. Thanks for your help!

Where can I find safe accommodation in Nairobi?

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Destination: Kenya
Dear Friends, I shall soon be moving to Nairobi, most probably in April 2018. I have concerns about the housing accommodation and which areas are safe to live in. Our Company is located in Industrial area on Homa Bay Road. Is there any residential housing nearby? I shall be looking for 1+ bed room single accommodation. Is it wise to live nearby or the downtown which area is more safe and convenient? How about the transportation? Is it safe to ride public transport or need to arrange private pick & drop taxi? Appreciate if some one guide me in this regards.

When will my Oman visa ban expire?

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Submitted by Muhammed imran on
Destination: Oman

HI, Pls can any one help me. Actually I have came from Oman in the year August 2015 and I didn't went back to Oman and my resident permit card was till December 2016, Pls can any one tell me that the 2 years ban will effect from exit date or from the resident permit card date. Why because I have got a offer from Oman now.

What salary can I expect as a Data Analyst in an Abu Dhabi Bank? - Grade P2 - Senior Specialist(Analytics)

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Submitted by yash sharma on
Destination: Abu Dhabi
How much salary should I expect from a giant bank in Abu Dhabi as a Data scientist? I have around 7 years of experience in India? What factors mostly influence the expected salary in UAE for expats? An upper and lower limit will help greatly.

Is there anyone who has renewed the British passport to help me fill out the forms and send them to Britain?

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Submitted by Rashed on
Destination: Egypt
Is there anyone who has renewed the British passport to help me fill out the forms for renew my British passport and send them to Britain? From Cairo Egypt

Where can I rent a pick-up or a car with a hook and trailer in Mallorca?

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Submitted by peteroom on
Destination: Mallorca
Hi. I need to rent a car with a hook and a trailer or a pick-up in Mallorca, as I need to buy some construction material etc. Does anyone know where I can do that? Either near the airport or near Can Picafort. Peter

Should I be concerned about safety when travelling to Hofuf, Saudi Arabia?

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Submitted by Safra33 on
Destination: Eastern Province
Hi, I am not moving to Saudi Arabia, however, I must travel there to provide a training at a large private hospital in Hofuf. I will only be in SA 2-3 days. I am flying to Dammam and the hospital is picking me up to take me to the hotel in Hofuf. As a U.S. citizen, I would like to know if it is safe to travel by road from Dammam to Hofuf (mainly in terms of terrorist threats) and also is Hofuf safe for Westerners. Thank you in advance for any insight.

How should I choose a suburb in Roswell, Atlanta?

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Submitted by Jips on
Destination: Atlanta, GA
Hi there, My husband may have opportunity to move to a job in Roswell, Atlanta (leaving the UK). From reading this forum it seems sensible to move to Roswell or a suburb nearby given the traffic. Which areas are best for schools but also community? Coming from the UK I am a little worried about living too remotely or living in very quiet sprawling suburbs. We currently live commuting distance to London in a busy but green suburb, so we have the best of both worlds.

How do I buy property and start a business in Italy?

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Submitted by forestbather on
Destination: Italy
Me and my partner are looking at Italy as a destination to move to in two years. We are looking for a simpler lifestyle, where we will run wellbeing retreats a few times a year. How easy is it to start your own business in Italy? How easy is it to buy a small property with land to live off and run our wellbeing retreats? This is our first attempt at gathering conprehnsive information on us living our dream Thanks

Is my salary enough to live well in Saudi Arabia?

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Submitted by bodhiCHE on
Destination: Eastern Province

I am an Indian ,and would be shifting to Yanbu in late March.I have been offered a compensation of 13000 SAR p.m ,with lodging and transportation being mine.

Can you please highlight if the salary mentioned above is a respectable one or not?What will be the avg monthly savings with moderate living standards, accompanied by occasional outings and an annual foreign trip.

Providing a break up of expenses ,including house rent to other would be of great help.


Are there opportunities for a French-speaking speech therapist in Dublin?

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Submitted by Bart De Langhe on
Destination: Dublin

We're considering to relocate to Dublin, but would like to find first a job for my girlfriend. She's a French speaking speech therapist working exclusively with French speaking patients.

Does any of you know any French speaking speech therapist in Dublin?
Any idea if there's an unanswered demand for speech therapy in the French speaking community in Dublin ?

What is the cost of living and school in District 4, Dublin?

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Submitted by jffa on
Destination: Ireland

We are relocating to Dublin in the months to come and our future location of work will be in District 4.

Before choosing a place to live we would like to check if there are any good primary schools private or public in that area? (son of 4 years) Any catholic school (public or private) with good reputation ?

As well what would be the best area to live in District 4 for a family: supermarkets, parks for the children? We are looking for a three bedroom flat unfurnished. How much would it cost?

Thanks a lot!

Can my spouse visit me for more than 90 days in Ireland?

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Submitted by NickWL on
Destination: Ireland


I am from a non-visa required country. I will be going to Ireland for work with General Employment Permit. Based on this background, could I ask a few questions?

1. Could my family (my wife and a child) come to Ireland visiting me for more than 90 days?
2. If they can, how long would they be extended normally?
3. Can they travel to other Europe countries for a few months, and then go back to Ireland visiting me during their stay?
4. What could be the factors to affect the decision of how long they can stay?

How much medication can I bring into Vietnam?

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Submitted by nic.0448 on
Destination: Hanoi
I am going to Hanoi, Vietnam in April for about 8 months to study and work. I take prescription medication daily and need to bring these with me. So far, I have found out that I can only take 10 days of personal medication with me into Vietnam. Has anyone else been in the same situation? It makes it very difficult if I only have 10 days worth - that means I will have to find a doctor as soon as I get there and hope he prescribes me the right medication and I receive 'decent' medication from the pharmacy.

What documents do I need to apply for a Social Security Number in the US?

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Submitted by SomeoneLikeU on
Destination: The USA
Recently, I took the American Citizenship from my father. I'm over 18 years old, always lived outside the US, and planning to move within two months to the US.
So, I need to obtain my Social Security number. I learned that I have to show them documents to proof that I have not lived in the US. Do these documents must be apostilled and/or translated into English? Do they have to be translated by a sworn translator?

What are the best schools in China?

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Submitted by kvargr on
Destination: China


I am in the process of deciding whether to move to China for a teaching job, and would like to request some information about moving to China with a child. Are there any sites for schools in the Zhengzhou area, public or private. It's been very difficult to find information about the schools. My guess is that I would have to move there then figure it out but I don't want to be in that position.

My daughter has been offered a place at a local school for 1,000 RMB a month, which has been the cheapest offer so far.

International or Private School in Cape Town?

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Submitted by sunduzbelceonart on
Destination: Cape Town

Hello! We are an expat family from Turkey to register our 5 year-old boy to a kindergarden in a school in CT/Somerset West, but we cannot decide on the school. Nearby neighbourhood is also acceptable. First, he needs to learn English. Is it wise to enroll him to a pre-primary in an international school so that he can carry on his grades there? I know the differences between private and international schools, however, still cant identify which will be the best. Can anyone give us some names of good schools, any local information that is not listed on google and schools' websites????

How do I find job prospects in Sweden?

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Submitted by mzunic on
Destination: Sweden
My husband and I are thinking of moving to Sweden in the next 18 months with our two school aged kids. He is an EU citizen so we don't foresee an issue with finding work. What we are having a hard time with is determining how fast and what kind of work he would be able to find. Company transfer isn't an option for either of us. And actually how to go about moving there to begin with. I am an US citizen and from what I am understanding I won't be able to join him at the same time. Is this correct? We are thinking of visiting in the summer to investigate job prospects.

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