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Obtaining signed SSA benefits verification letter

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Submitted by .mab_5700 on
Destination: Guatemala

Trying to obtain pension residency but unable in getting a signed benefit verification letter from the Social Security Administration. I've written multiple letters (6), email the US Embassy (3x), called numerous times, all to no avail. My Guatemalan immigration attorney is useless. Does anyone have a solution to this problem?

What does a personal driver do all day?

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Submitted by JeremyStein on
Destination: Nairobi

I understand that some expats hire a personal driver.  But I can't quite imagine the logistics.  If the driver takes you to work and back, does he just sit in the car all day waiting for you to finish?  Can you send him back to your home to let your spouse use the driver during the day?  Do people ever share drivers?  It seems so inefficient for one person to have their whole job be just handling my commute.

Poland cost of living versus UK

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Submitted by sportbilly on
Destination: Poland

Hi, my wife is Polish and we're looking to move from the UK to Poland to live.

I'm in high paid work in the UK of circa 85k gross pay, and my company are in the process of preparing me an offer to move on a local contract in Poland.

I live in a middle cost city in the UK, and will move to a middle cost city in Poland.  My company have said they will make an offer that gives me a comparable standard of living with what I have in the UK 

The question is what salary would I need in Poland for it to equate to my salary in the UK please?


School admission in the UK

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Submitted by rahulmishra1312 on
Destination: The United Kingdom


I've a query regarding school admissions in UK.

We're currently located in Singapore and shifting to the UK in July. My son who is currently 10 years old and is going to complete his Primary-5 standard this month. On 5th of this August, he'll be 11 yrs so my question here is that as per UK school policies, is he eligible for Year-6 or Year-7.

Looking for the reply.


Verifying U S Department of State Warnings for travel to Spain - Is Spain a safe place to Retire?

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Submitted by JosephT on
Destination: Spain

Hello, I am in the midst of researching how to retire to Spain. I have traveled all over, just not recently due to COVID-19 U S A travel restrictions. Unfortunately, Spain has a Level-4 rating due to  COVID-19. and the need to exercise increased caution due to terrorism and civil unrest.

Working visa for freelancer in Abu Dhabi

Expert Info

Submitted by filpltt on
Destination: Abu Dhabi

Good morning,

I am an Italian freelancer (limited liability company) and I am negotiating a job with a client in Abu Dhabi (1 year job) so I am trying to collect as much info as possible about working visa.

My eventual job contract with this client would be enough to obtain a working visa or I will need a additional sponsor/declaration from the client? In general, is there anything more that a freelancer should provide?

Many thanks,



Concerns about Philippines southern regions

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Submitted by jrussell.cyber… on
Destination: Philippines

I was reading that American Expats should avoid southern Philippines. I am interested in living part-time in Koronadal City South Cotabato. This is southern Philippines. The comments from this site state that there are ongoing insurgent groups kidnapping foreign nationals, particular locations are Mindanao and the remote island of Sulu Archipelago. Wondering if Koronadal City would be an issue with regard to these reports?

Is there a path to Austrian residency as a fully remote US employed person?

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Submitted by Brett Combs on
Destination: Austria

I work as a digital product designer for a fully remote agency based in Chicago, USA. I would like to move to Austria and establish residency. I have researched the options and it is unclear how I would apply to stay past a tourist visa's duration.

My team lead lives in the Czech Republic. I would actually be reducing the time shift we currently work around.

Can I change my employer while working in chile ?

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Submitted by abhi-deshmukh on
Destination: Chile


I will be travelling to Chile from India next month. I have a work contract with one employer for two years. Will it be possible to change employers legally once there? Assuming the next employer provides me with a work contract.

Can anyone share their experience with switching employers?

Insuring a Gibraltar registered car in Spain.

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Submitted by Matthew Trounce on
Destination: Spain

I have bought a Gibraltar registered car in the UK and plan to drive it from the UK to our new home in Marbella in December. I will then register the car in Spain immediately.

My problem is that I cannot find a Spanish insurer that will insure it on the Gibraltar plates pending Spanish registration.

I can't find a UK insurer that will insure it on Gibraltar plates, they need it registered as a UK car first (not economically or time viable).

I can't find a Gibraltar insurer that will insure it unless I have a registered Gibraltar address.

How can we get a residence permit for the spouse of an employer in Bosnia and Herzegovina?

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Submitted by EviSavi on
Destination: Bosnia and Herzegovina

We move the colleague from Russia to Bosnia/Sarajevo for the Director position. Service of the foreigners tells that the spouse can't possess the Visa D and residence permit for the first year of the husband's employment. I can't imagine the husband and children stay in Sarajevo without wife/mom. Is it the real situation with the legislation? may be there some options to have the spouse with the family legally?

What are the best shipping options from Stockholm to Nairobi?

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Submitted by obi1da on
Destination: Nairobi

Hi, we are planning on moving from Stockholm to nairobi.


We are looking into shipping and was wondering if anyone can recommend any cheap shipping options and also if it's worth shipping furniture etc. or just the bare essentials. We don't have particularly nice / valuable things so wondering if its best just to buy everything in Nairobi

Where can I find accomodation in Riyadh online?

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Submitted by snair on
Destination: Riyadh


I'll be moving to Riyadh from India in next 2 months and looking for fully furnished accomdations preferably in the residential compounds. I'll be living alone there. Can you suggest some websites/ brokers where I can search for housing? Also, is it advisable to search online and book the housing ? 

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