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The 'How to find expat friendly bank in Dubai/ UAE when relocating' Suggestions are more than welcome -

Expert Info

Submitted by Sadaf_A on
Destination: United Arab Emirates

Since this is such a crucial topic, I thought we could have a thread for people to post their suggestions to new group members looking for such banking experiences in #Dubai / #UAE, especially those who are intending to move from overseas and have several questions before getting hold on to the right bank or considerably a ‘Expat friendly bank’.

While there is no 'one size fits all' approach, there are still many things we consider before choosing a #bank. So please take a moment to share your tips and suggestions, specially for #Expats like me who are planning to relocate ASAP.

When Can the Principal Sponsor Apply for a Dependant Visa for Spouse

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Submitted by msniya on
Destination: Hong Kong

Good day all! My husband will soon be working in Hong Kong. We were just wondering when can we apply for a dependant visa if he will just start work by August? Is there a required period of stay before the principal sponsor can apply for a dependant visa for the spouse?

Thank you. 

Tax registration in Hungary

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Submitted by Stefan Ziolkowski on
Destination: Hungary

Hi I’m thinking of moving to Hungary from the UK for a period of 12-18  months and registering as a resident. I will be travelling extensively from Hungary to the USA in that period. Can someone please advise me of the process for registering as a resident and the minimum amount of time annually I would need to be in Hungary to be considered as such?


How do I do my research into getting into real estate for rental income?

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Submitted by jenfromzenn on
Destination: Spain

I want to retire early from office job to live off somewhat meager investment money. How do I know how much is enough?  Just myself. I buy mostly used items, including my clothes. I do want to travel mostly in summers. I’m not looking for a fancy home. I just want to see the world before I kick it and not work to death like everyone else in the USA with almost no time off to travel. I’m done with that soon hopefully.  How do I figure any of this out?  I’ve never been a landlord here even, and I don’t speak Spanish. Willing to learn when I move.

Renting An Apartment As A Retiree in Venice

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Submitted by NewYorker415 on
Destination: Vienna

Hello.  I am from the USA and considering retiring in Vienna.  I would appreciate any information regarding whether it is difficult to rent an apartment in Vienna as a retiree. While I would not be employed, I would be receiving US social security payments and I would have retirement and other savings.  I have Austrian citizenship.  Thanks in advance for any responses. 

Advice on opening a museum in France

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Submitted by rosti on
Destination: France

I have a substantial collection of  contemporary American ceramics as well as some historic Oriental ceramics which I would like to bring to our newly purchased house in France to present as a museum. I would like the collection to be available as a study environment. Is this possible? Will I need to pay a tax for the collection? 

Medical Insurance suggestions for expats moving to Cordoba, Argentina?

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Submitted by Spixe on
Destination: Argentina

My wife and I are moving to Cordoba, Argentina in a couple months and we're going to settle down awhile while we pursue some degrees, learn the language, and maybe even start a little business if everything goes right.

The problem we're facing right now is finding affordable insurance, as we need the insurance before we can enter the country.

Moving to Norway with chronic illness

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Submitted by Nine Lifes on
Destination: Norway

I am trying to figure out the logistics of moving to Norway from USA with a chronic illness. I have Chron's Disease and have infusions of a certain medication at the hospital every two months. I'm worried that if I move to Norway I won't be able to have everything set up, see a GP, then a specialist, then start infusions in a quick enough manner.

Any insight into this problem is appreciated. I know it's specific, but I can't seem to find any helpful information anywhere. 

Extra-curricular activities (soccer & violin) for an 8 year old in Barcelona

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Submitted by harefoot on
Destination: Barcelona

Hi, we (my husband and 8 year old daughter) currently live in Oregon and are planning to spend a year in Barcelona, probably in the l'Eixample area, starting in September 2023. Currently we homeschool our daughter and are thinking we will continue with that in Barcelona. However, we would like to find extra-curricular activities for her so that she can interact with other kids her age. She plays the violin and enjoys soccer. Does anyone know of any soccer clubs for her age that practice every day? Or any music academies that have a youth orchestral component would also be great.

Relocation from Jersey, Channel Islands

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Submitted by Peter L on
Destination: Denmark

We are thinking about relocating to Denmark from Jersey, CI (not New Jersey, US). My wife and I are both EU citizens (Irish and Polish). I am a lawyer, my wife is a teaching assistant. We have a 4 year old daughter. We would be quite relaxed about where we might want to go, would depend on where I can get a job...

I am completely new to this forum - but any information or advice would be welcome!

What are the best British International Schools in Athens

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Submitted by nicolagoodridge on
Destination: Athens

Hi there, I am moving to Athens later this year (2023) and bringing my 16 year old son with me. I would love any feedback, please, on the British International Schools in Athens as the reviews I am reading are quite mixed and so some on the ground experiences would be amazing!  If anyone has any feedback, good or bad, on St Lawrence's, Byron College or St Catherine's I would be SO grateful. Many thanks in advance, best wishes Nicola

Relocation to Poland with BlueCard

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Submitted by Mikhail08 on
Destination: Poland


I'm planning to relocate to Poland from Lithuania. I received LT BlueCard 1 year ago and it is valid for 2 year more. As I learned from it is allowed to change EU country after 12 months of working in a 1st country. If I understand correctly, if I have job offer from PL company, I can immediately move to Poland, start working and apply for PL BlueCard. Am I right? Do I need to apply for PBH visa in this case?

Becoming a Police Officer in the USA as a foreigner

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Submitted by CedricWibert on
Destination: The USA

Hi everybody, 

My name is Cédric, 26 year old-man from Belgium working as a police officer in the capital city. 

Through some discussion with family and friends and because I've always had this kind of dream of living my life in the US, I began to think : "What would it be if I became a police officer in the US ?".

I saw a couple of months ago a documentary about a French guy who did this couple of years ago (but of course there is no way I can get my hand on this video again..) and it gave me the idea to start searching.

Can I get a B1 work visa in Israel without a bachelors degree?

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Submitted by wolfie90 on
Destination: Israel



I've recently received a job offer from a multinational company in Israel.

I have 8 years of experience for the same company in another country but have no higher education certificate. (Attended university for 2 years but dropped out due to personal circumstances)

I see there are 3 main categories for B1 work visa:

1. Academic : requires a degree

2. Non-Academic : No degree but specialised field such such as construction, chef, etc.

3. Manager or trusted employee (2 max per company)


Expert Info

Destination: Luanda

Good evening group members

I am planning to obtain work visa of angola on website of embassy it has been mentioned that i have to apostile educational certificates so my question is SHOULD I APOSTILE ONLY HIGHEST EDUCATIONAL CERTIFICATE OR ALL EDUCATIONAL CERTIFICATE STARTING FROM HIGH SCHOOL TO MASTERS

Your reply on the above is highly solicited



Canadian taxes while in Chile?

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Submitted by jnarvaez78 on
Destination: Santiago

Hi everyone,

I was wondering if anyone could share a bit of their experience with (Canadian) taxation while living in Chile.  How does it work? We're currently evaluating an offer in Santiago but realized that we might need to pay taxes to Canada while being there.  Any hints? tips? advice?  I noticed that the income tax % in Chile is way lower than in Canada and wondered if the other deductions (pensión and others) could also be part of the taxable income to report to CRA when filing your taxes.  Your help is much appreciated!

What kind of jobs are available for expats in Ireland/Europe?

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Submitted by tshepi_more22 on
Destination: Europe

I am a single mother with two school going teenage girls, and would like to relocate to Ireland or somewhere in Europe. What jobs beside health sector are on offer.

I am in the media sector, with vast experience in print media and broadcasting.


Finding an apartment in Nice, France?

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Submitted by dimitrinkav on
Destination: France

Hi Everyone,

My partner got a job in Monaco and we have to relocate to the South of France and we need to find an apartment somewhere in the South of France like the Nice area, that he can commute to work with the train. Does anyone have any tips and tricks on finding apartments in that area? Any information you can provide is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Relocation to Copenhagen with Pets

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Submitted by vatsag on
Destination: Denmark


I've been offered relocation to Copenhagen on a role that pays me 65000 DKK monthly before taxes. Can any experts already living here guide me if this is decent pay for me to make this decision to move to Denmark?

I will be moving with my Wife. I do not have kids but I have a dog and 3 cats. I have no issues commuting to work from the outskirts but how easy/difficult it is to move with Pets? Especially with the homeowners giving their space for rent to tenants having pets in general


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